MFL - French

Subject Leader – Mrs Finch

At St Mary’s and St Benedict’s Primary School, we aim to fulfil the requirements of the National Curriculum for Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) through an exciting and varied curriculum. We follow the KS2 National Curriculum objectives for MFL and have adapted the curriculum so that it is challenging and inclusive for all pupils, reflecting the needs of pupils within our school. We are also mindful that some our pupils have English as an additional language, which provides additional learning opportunities.  

We want to encourage curiosity and understanding about other countries and cultures, as well as spark an interest and love of other languages.  Our aim is to provide opportunities for the children to hear, speak, read and write another language, in a fun and stimulating environment. Our intent is that, as they grow in confidence in these skills, they can then be applied to the learning of new languages in the future. 

Our MFL (French) Curriculum

At St Mary’s and St Benedict’s Primary School, MFL (French) is part of the Key Stage 2 curriculum, beginning in Year 3. We use the ‘Language Angels’ scheme of work and this follows the National Curriculum objectives for teaching MFL. Pupils are encouraged to take an active part in each lesson and we aim to provide as many opportunities as possible for the children to practise speaking, reading and writing French, as well as hearing French being spoken, often by native French speakers through the use of ICT. Teaching a language uses a multi-sensory approach, so songs, rhymes, games, books and ICT are an important part in supporting the children’s learning.

The National Curriculum Programmes of study for MFL are delivered in half-termly topics throughout each year group. This ensures that all pupils progress in their linguistic skills, as well as developing a deeper understanding of the French Language and culture. Our aim is that the children build on their vocabulary,  grammar, knowledge of French culture and grow in confidence as they progress through Key Stage2. Where possible, these topics are linked to subjects and themes already being taught in other curriculum areas, to increase their understanding and interest.

Assessment is on-going through listening, speaking, reading and writing.  We use the assessment criteria at the end of each topic, within the scheme of work to ensure children’s progression. These are in line with the National Curriculum objectives for MFL.

See below for an overview of the topics covered in Key Stage 2.

Whole School French Day

We are aiming to hold a French Day in June this year. This will be a whole school event, so that every child gets an opportunity to experience something of the French language and culture. Some of the activities will include:-

Key Stage 1

  • French food tasting-croissants, baguettes, brie, crepes, pain au chocolat etc
  • French flag colouring
  • French songs/rhymes
  • French stories
  • Saying hello/goodbye/name in French. 

Key Stage 2

As above, in addition:-

  • French role play/conversation
  • Performing a French poem
  • Sketches of French landmarks.
  • Display of French work done in class.

SEND Pupils

For further information on how we cater for the needs of SEND pupils, please visit our SEND page and refer to our SEND policy.

Useful websites

Here are some useful websites you can access with your child. Just click on the image to access them:


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